In English
- Peter Singer: On Racism, Animal Rights and Human Rights by George Yancy
- Should animals have 'human' rights? Interview with peter Singer
- The Psychology of Human-Nonhuman Selfies: Why the Epidemic? by Marc Bekoff Ph.D.
- Animals are conscious and should be treated as such by Marc Bekoff Ph.D.
- Why This Video of a Captive Orangutan Sharing a Tender Moment With Human Mom and Baby is Incredibly Sad by Kate Good
- The Problem With Super-Muscly Pigs by By Judith Benz-Schwarzburg and Arianna Ferrari
- Dogs in Crates, Gorillas in Cages: Woes of Captive Breeding by Marc Bekoff Ph.D.
- Ravens’ fear of unseen snoopers hints they have theory of mind by Sam Wong
- Dead Cubs, Illegal Baiting Lead to Bear Hunt Suspension by Todd Wilkinson
- Animals think, therefore in the Economist
- Bear Known For Lounging Shows She *Nose* Computers by David Freeman
- Look into this dolphin's eye and tell me it's not grief by Maddalena Bearzi
- Whales Mourn Their Dead, Just Like Us by Traci Watson
- Goats are as loving and clever as dogs, say smitten scientists by Sarah Knapton
- China’s Bear Farming Should Stop, Says Government Think Tank by Shi Yi
- How Human Should A Gorilla Be? by Barbara J. King
- Yellowstone officials now studying humans, the most problematic species of all by Lisa Gutierrez
- The Ethics of Animal Research: John Gluck Reevaluates His Position on the Ethical Use of Animals in Research by Danny Wedding April 2017
- Do animals dream of electric humans? by Nick Turner, published in the Independent, 1st of November 2017
- The elephant in the courtroom: Civil rights group argues denying personhood to animals contradicts the rule of law by Nick Turner, published in the Independent, 22 November 2017
- Curious Orangutans, Raised by Humans, Do Better on Cognitive Tests By JAMES GORMAN and CHRISTOPHER WHITWORTH, 12 December 2017
- David Lynch's Banned Bovine 13 September 2000
- When animals grieve by Barry Yeoman 30 January 2018
- A Dog Is a Cow Is a Pig: In the World of Sentience, There Is No Difference (Video) by Ondine Sherman February 2018
- US civil rights group hails historic progress in the fight to secure fundamental rights for nonhuman animals by Nick Turner May 2018
Why are Cages Bad for Nonhumans and OK for Humans? An interview by Marc Beckoff August 2019 of Justin Marceau about his new book, Beyond Cages: Animal Law and Criminal Punishment
The Case Against Sending Animals Into Space by Bruce Dorminey 7 November 2019
Assuming Chickens Suffer Less Than Pigs Is Idle Speciesism by Marc Bekoff April 2020
Launch of the Montréal Declaration on Animal Exploitation October 2022
- The Slaughter Of Dogs In China Is Cruel, But So Is The Butchering Of Chickens In India by Poorva Joshipura
- Yulin Dog Meat Festival: Why be disgusted about eating puppies but not lamb? by Mimi Bekhechi
- Chinese City Defends Dog Meat Festival, Despite Scorn by Ami Qin
- How the Yulin Dog Meat Festival is a Wake Up Call for the Meat Eating World by Animals Australia
- Tradition or abuse. Chinese Views on the Yulin Dog Meat Festival by Manya Koetse
- 10 lessons we must all learn from 2016’s Yulin dog meat festival by Animals Australia
- Condemning Yulin’s horrific dog meat festival is easy. Facing our own animal cruelty is harder by ANNA PIPPUS
- When my dog died, I didn’t understand why it felt like a human had died. Then I read the research by Alvin Chang
- Human-like social skills in dogs? by Brian Hare and Michael Tomasello
- Eager to please? by Tracy Krulic
- Top Vets Urge Dog Owners to Stop Buying Pugs and Bulldogs by Dana Roose 23 septembre 2016
- Health and welfare of brachycephalic dogs by British Veterinary Association
- Treatment for cats and dogs against cancer
- The State of Pet Healthcare (with Infographic) by Cobhan Phillipson
- CPR For Dogs And Cats
- 34 Poisonous Houseplants for Dogs
- What Every Pet Owner Should Know About Food Allergies
- Interview with Dr. Sarah Ellis on the Trainable Cat by Zazie Todd 5 October 2016
- No 'Easy Answer' To Growing Number Of Stray Dogs In The U.S., Advocate Says by Samantha Raphelson 29 December 2017
- The First Domestication: How Wolves and Humans Coevolved, Dumping the dumpster belief and other ideas about how wolves became dogs. by Marc Bekoff PHD
- In the minds of dogs By Stanley Coren PhD., DSc, FRSC, Rosalind Arden Ph.D., Marc Bekoff Ph.D., Hara Estroff Marano, John Bradshaw Ph.D., published on September 5, 2017 - last reviewed on September 13, 2017
Why Does My Dog Stare and Look Into My Eyes? by Dr Mark, May 2019
Researchers Say That Liking Cats is a Sign of Very High Intelligence
- Dutch Vet – Jan Greve – An explosive interview…Jan Greve withdraws He danced on the volcano, but never fell into its crater Bruised horses are always looking for a party (horses have become machines in stead of compagnons) January 2018
- People Are Making Dove Killing Part of Their Wedding Ceremonies by PETA 23 May 2017
- Asia’s Harry Potter obsession poses threat to owls by Robin McKie 12 August 2017
- Why are big, insect-eating birds disappearing? Maybe we’re running low on bugs. by Brandon Keim March 2018
- The Dignity, Beauty, and Abuse of Chickens: As Symbols and in Reality by Karen Davis (UPC) 2002
- Young Ravens Rival Adult Chimps in a Big Test of General Intelligence by Rachel Nuwer on
- How to Make Your Backyard a Sanctuary for Wildlife
- Understanding the rich social lives of animals benefits international conservation efforts February 26, 2019
- Is cougar hunting breeding chaos - Instead of reducing conflicts between cougars and humans, heavy hunting seems to make the problems worse, says a WSU researcher. March 2008
- A war over wolves - Outspoken researcher says his university and lawmakers silenced and punished him. 2017
- State’s wolf kill turns up the heat in Washington cattle country
- Are we crying wolf? A European tale of farmers vs. nature by Paola Tamma 8 December 2017
- Harmless or vicious hunter? The uneasy return of Europe's wolves by Patrick Barkham 26 january 2018
- Wolf recovery plan challenged in court by advocacy groups 31 january 2018
- Wild is the wolf by Eloise kane 23 January 2019
- Calgary Stampede: Torturing cows and horses is wrong, outdated and illegal by Camille Labchuk
- Who killed Knut? The death of a beloved polar bear casts the logic of zoos in a cold light. Are they safe havens or places of sacrifice? by Ed Lake
Sydney Zoo: Does the world still need big zoos? 6 December 2019
- An Idyllic Picture of Serenity, but Only if You’re Not Inside by Douglas Quenquadec 2011
- The Blood Harvest (Each year, half a million horseshoe crabs are captured and bled alive to create an unparalleled biomedical technology) by ALEXIS C. MADRIGAL
- Horseshoe Crab Blood Harvesting Practices Questioned by Researchers by James A. Foley
- Woman Adopts Half-Dead Fish And Completely Transforms Him the dodo
- Guest post: How global warming is causing ocean oxygen levels to fall by multiple authors 15 June 2018
- The dark Room (of shark conservation) by Shawn Heinrichs 2012
Meat and the environment
- 5 Big Meat Companies Produce A Combined 162 Million Tons Of Manure Each Year by Natasha Geiling
- China's new love affair with dogs - as pets, not food - presents environmental problems by Irene Banos Ruiz
- Killer Slime, Dead Birds, an Expunged Map : the dirty secrets of European farm Subsidies 25 December 2019
- The Moral Maze of Milk by Philip Lymbery
- Turin may become Italy's first 'vegetarian city'. Should we all follow suit? by Ross Chainey
- Meet the parents raising vegan babies by ....
- Soapbox: Animal Equality by Toni Shephard
- Dairy is scary. The public are waking up to the darkest part of farming by Chas Newkey-Burden March 2017
- Why do vegans eat fake meat and cheese alternatives by Becky Striepe
- Why don't vegans eat honey? by Aine Carlin 2016
- Raising Vegan Children by Beth Levine 15 July 2019
Safety of vegetarian and vegan diets in pregnant and breastfeeding women, and in growing children. (this link has been removed. For an article in Dutch please click here. You can read an interview of the two scientitsts in French here) Dr Catherine Devillers, Nutritionist Doctor and Scientific Editor for the Belgian Centre for Pharmacotherapeutic Information (privately) and Dr Lamprini Risos, Preventive Cardiologist (Erasmus Hospital, Brussels) September 2019
Why do people hate vegans? by George Reynolds in The Guardian, 25 October 2019
What science says about the best way to eat (and what we're still figuring out) NBC News December 2019
Is The Down In Your Jacket Cruelty-Free? CBS SF February 2019
- The hidden link between the farm antibiotics and human illness by Maryn McKenna
- Cutting-Edge MFA Studies Reveal the Most Effective Videos to Help Farmed Animals by Mercy for Animals 22 May 2017
- Abolitionism versus Reformism or which type of campaign will lead to animal rights eventually by Martin Balluch (VGT) March 2008
- Voluntourism 101: How to Find a Reputable Wildlife Sanctuary in Africa by Adam Welz 21 january 2018
How Does Something Become a Moral Issue? 17 July 2019
In Dutch
- Dolphins in captivity by Erwin Vermeulen
- Zes vragen & antwoorden: de boerencrisis uitgelegd voor dummies by Dick Veerman
- Hartverscheurend: scheiding koe en kalf door Piep Vandaag
- Nieuwe antibiotica-‘familie’ ontdekt in bodemmonsters door Cécile Janssen 2018
- Tonijnvriendelijke ecolabels vechten elkaar de markt uit door Cécile Janssen 2016