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Our Blog Page 2 (2018 and 2019)

We launched this petition NO KILLING OF LARGE HERBIVORES IN THE OOSTVAARDERSPLASSEN in HOLLAND . Would you please sign it as well and share it to help us stop this massacre! Thank you!
Why This petition?
On the 26th of September (in 17 days) during the meeting of the committee of sustainability of the Province of Flevoland in all probability decisions will be made about the future fate of the Great Grazers (konik horses, heck cattle and red deer) in the Oostvaardersplassen.
These decisions will depend on a few studies on relocation and / or contraception, which are also discussed that day.
Now there seem to be two scenarios:
1 / the research results are in favor of the animals. The animals are relocated (especially horses and possibly the cattle) and contraception is used for future management.
2 / These solutions would not at all or partly be not possible and the Province Government proposes to proceed to the culling of young and healthy animals.
We, the undersigned of this petition, are against THE KILLING OF HEALTHY and YOUNG animals, whether they are horses, cattle or deer.
What do we ask?
1 / We ask the Provincial Government to not even consider and propose the killing of young and healthy animals. We also ask the Provincial Government to take more time to look for other solutions and, moreover, to implement such solutions as eg rehoming over a longer period. If necessary if the living conditions of the animals require this, they should be fed in accordance with the Motion of 11 July 2018 "Do not exclude additional feeding".
2 / We ask the members of the political parties, if the Provincial Government determines to start the shooting, to vote against this option, and to try to persuade the Provincial Government that this option is unethical and also dangerous, that the unrest in the local population will flare up even more, and that this decision will damage the reputation of Flevoland as a tourist attraction for visitors from home and abroad.